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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Amazingly Colourful Abstract Art By Amalia Keefer

Art is a language, and each artist creates their own dialect. Through brushstrokes and colours, shape and line, a painter communicates visually what it is sometimes to difficult to pin down in words. Something close to a feeling.

In a quiet pocket of inland Queensland, Amalia Keefer has harnessed this unique expressive power in her painting practice. Her bright, kaleidoscopic compositions are abstract renderings of a stray moment in her day: her cat stretching out on the bed, or a screenshot of a stranger’s apartment. She takes these everyday frames and builds on them with layers and layers of colour, based on her mood and intuition. The resulting works are distinct and inviting, like hearing a word in a foreign tongue that still sounds familiar.

A Landscape Designer’s Relaxed Family Garden in Elwood

When it came to designing her own garden, landscape designer Kate Patterson of KPLA had a few things to include in her ‘self-brief’. The garden needed room for children and animals to roam, spaces for entertaining as well as relaxing, and a pool! (Kate was outvoted on the veggie patches.)

The resulting family garden is tiered with layers of verdant greenery inside and out, balancing internal courtyards with a lush backyard at the rear.

Triple Green Broadbean Salad – The Design Files | Australia's most popular design blog.

Let me start by saying, I am not usually a fan of frozen vegetables. There is one exception though – broad beans. When broad beans are not in season, I find these so handy to have in the freezer, and they are one of the few veg that don’t seem to lose too much flavour or texture when frozen. A bag of broadbeans in the freezer has often gotten me out of a midweek meal crisis!

This salad really relies on perfectly cooked ingredients. The green beans and snowpeas must be cooked ever so briefly, to ensure they retain their crunch. I often cook these at the very end and throw them in whilst they’re still warm.

This fresh, lemony green dish is the perfect accompaniment to juicy lamb cutlets, or a piece of grilled white fish.

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Start your day off with a better breakfast

FOODStart your day off with a better breakfast

Start your day off with a better breakfast

Everyone knows the age-old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, many Canadian adults fail to take it to heart.

Everyone knows the age-old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, many Canadian adults fail to take it to heart—40 percent, in fact, report not eating breakfast daily.

Of these non-breakfast eaters, 50 percent revealed that the reason they skip this important meal is lack of time—not a good enough excuse when you consider how long it takes pop a slice of bread in the toaster.

Perhaps Canadians just aren’t well enough informed about the health benefits of eating breakfast, as well as the negative health effects associated with not eating breakfast. Let’s take a look at a few:

  • A 2010 study reported that those who skipped breakfast had larger waste circumferences, higher total cholesterol, higher LDL (bad) cholesterol, and higher fasting blood glucose levels.
  • A study from the International Journal of Obesity cited that teenagers who ate breakfast stayed fuller throughout the day, and those who ate a breakfast high in protein had reduced appetite, suggesting that eating breakfast may help to control calorie intake.
  • According to a 2008 study of 379 children between the ages of 11 and 13, those who ate breakfast regularly showed significantly better memory recall than those who did not eat breakfast.

It’s obvious that eating breakfast is key to a long and healthy life, so quit it with the excuses and eat up! Need ideas? The following breakfasts are not only quick and nutritious, they’re also incredibly yummy!

  • Eat Your Protein Breakfast Wraps
  • Quinoa and Avocado Scram Slam
  • Banana Berry Smoothie
  • Maple Pecan Granola
  • Grilled Banana and Maple Toast
  • Very Berry Hemp Date Smoothie

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