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Thursday, September 19, 2024

5 Reasons Why Protein Is Good for Weight Loss

With the continued excitement for eating low-carb and Paleo – two diets known for having higher protein intake – the popularity of protein is reigning high. As you undergo your weight loss journ

A Grandmother's Accessible, Flower-Filled Dream Garden!

To say this garden has undergone a transformation would be an understatement.

What was recently a large, barren plot accompanying a newly-built home in Kenthurst (39 kilometres north-west of Sydney’s CBD) is now an absolutely thriving garden for its elderly owner.

The client’s brief can be boiled down to four key elements – accessibility, refuge, social opportunity, and views – but their main request was for flowers! The resulting design by Outdoor Establishments combines seasonal colour, mature trees, and bird-attracting species, delineated by stone walls and paved areas featuring textural travertine from Eco Outdoor, to create multiple zones for eating, lounging and enjoying the garden. The perfect outcome for an extended family who love to entertain!

Michelle's Dinner – The Design Files | Australia's most popular design blog.

After a month of inspired family meal ideas, Michelle Schoeps of Love & Bones Broth is leaving us today. Having dedicated a dish to each member of her family this month, Michelle leaves us with a dinner designed for no one but Mum!

As with most of her own meals, Michelle’s dauphinoise potatoes with fried onion, peas and mackerel is inspired by kitchen leftovers and pantry staples. Prepared as an individual serve, Michelle enjoys this deliciously decadent one-pan dish after her three kids are safely tucked away for the night.

Ginger Garlic Gourmet

FOODGinger Garlic Gourmet

Ginger Garlic Gourmet

Ginger and garlic are the dynamic duo of good health. Their medicinal properties have been recorded by diverse ancient cultures. Recent research studies praise them both as safe and effective natural remedies.

I’m a true devotee of ginger and garlic. Rarely am I without a supply of gnarly, pungent ginger roots and I seldom commit the culinary sin of running out of organic garlic bulbs.

Ginger and garlic are the dynamic duo of good health. Their medicinal properties have been recorded by diverse ancient cultures. Recent research studies praise them both as safe and effective natural remedies.

Due to its primary active component, gingerol, ginger reduces inflammation, soothes all kinds of tummy and gastrointestinal upsets and nausea (even morning sickness), helps prevent colorectal cancer, and boosts immunity.

Garlic is every bit ginger’s medicinal equal. As one of the world’s most commonly used herbs, garlic supports heart health by reducing cholesterol, stimulating circulation, and improving arterial blood flow. As an immune supporter, garlic has been used traditionally to combat all kinds of nasty infections.

Be Selective

If you’ve ever eaten anything made with fresh ginger root or garlic cloves, you know the dried, powdered versions can’t compare. Not only is the flavour superior, the medicinal properties are more effective when fresh.

When buying ginger and garlic, choose organic sources whenever possible to avoid the synthetic chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that nonorganic growing methods routinely use.

Recipes to Warm Your Winter

These simply elegant ginger and garlic recipes promise to take you from ho-hum cook to homemade gourmet. You’ll experience their warming effect from the inside out.

  • Garlic-Ginger Vegetable Stir-Fry
  • Ginger Lover’s Spice Bars / Sweet Ginger Tea

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